From April, symptom-free people will only be allowed to take five free PCR tests. Should one hoard gargle tests?
After much back and forth, there was finally a decision on 15 March: The new health minister Johannes Rauch announced the provisional test strategy. Symptom-free people are only allowed five free PCR tests per month. The unlimited number of free gargle tests will no longer exist at the end of March. In addition, each person is allowed to take five free antigen tests per month.
The only exception is that those with symptoms will be given more free tests. This regulation would apply “until further notice,“ the health minister said. The situation would be monitored.
In many federal provinces, many free test kits are currently still available. In Vienna, for example, eight gargle tests per week can be collected from BIPA shops. The question arises: Is it permissible to hoard gargle tests now and then “throw them in” in April?
Hoarding gargle tests: Is it worth it?
In mid-January, it became known that about nine million gargle tests were lying around in the homes of Viennese citizens or Viennese businesses. In the meantime, some of them have indeed been used up.
In mid-February, the “Standard” investigated whether hoarding the tests makes sense. City Health Councillor Peter Hacker said: “From today’s point of view: no.” If the federal government “turns off” the free tests – which is now the case – the tests will no longer be available in this form in “Alles gurgelt,“ he said. Even hoarding won’t help.
Lead Horizon’s medical technology manufacturer does not yet know 100 percent what the “Alles gurgelt” offer will be from April. As soon as there is information, Lead Horizon will publish it on its social media channels.
- source: hp
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